Old-School vs New-Age Phones

They sure don’t make ‘em like they used to. Phones these days may be jam-packed with modern and albeit often useful features but at what cost? If you compare mobile phones of today to those of the past, you will find they are fragile, call quality is average, and battery life is shocking for the most part. Mobile phone manufacturers don’t build them like they used to. Gone are the days when your battery would last more than 24 hours.

It seems as though every extra unnecessary feature now comes at the cost of battery life. What happened to a phone being a phone? I don’t know about you guys, but I would prefer to get 3 days of battery life out of a simple Nokia, than to have to charge my phone every day because it’s packed full of features I don’t use. Take the iPhone for example. It’s nothing less than a miracle of modern technology. With a list of features that includes an interactive personal assistant that can make appointments for you, and a processor that would put IBM’s Deep Blue super computer to shame it might not be far off to think it’ll even make your morning coffee for you, just the way you like it. However, with its impressive list of features, you will still need to charge it within 12 – 24 hours of normal use. Not too handy if you get lost while trekking the great outdoors. As for me, I’ll take a Nokia 3210(wiki link) any day of the week. I’ve compiled a list of some of the most reliable phones I had when I was younger. Brings back memories! Take a look and let us know what you think. What are some of your favourite old-school phones?

1. Nokia 3210
2. Siemens s55
3. Nokia 6500
4. Nokia 8210
5. Nokia 8810

As mobile phone technology gets more complicated, so do the plans! I once had to check my exam results while I was travelling overseas. Here we are, $140 in 3G charges later, but I passed! Atleast today we have the benefit of phone plan comparison sites that simply things a little.

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